
eCommerce Training Presentations – OUTDATED

uAfrica.com partnered with Shopify, an international leader in cloud based eCommerce solutions, and specialises in assisting micro, small, medium or large businesses looking for a solution to sell products online, to get online quickly and cost effectively.

Sign up for your 14 day free trial Shopify store at www.uafrica.com to take advantage of the local benefits:

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What is a meetup?

uAfrica.com holds monthly eCommerce training sessions focussing on starting an online shop as well as how to improve your existing online business.

Topics covered:

  • Getting Started: Setting up an online store with Shopify
  • Online Payments: Setting up PayFast and customer shopping behaviour
  • Shipping: Choosing a logistics provider and setting up shipping rates
  • Marketplaces: Selling on bidorbuy
  • Physical Retail: Using the Shopify POS (Point of Sale) for markets, exhibitions and pop up stores
  • Marketing: Google Analytics and Adwords
  • Multichannel/Omni Channel: Managing your orders and inventory from various sales channels through uAfrica.com

Below, is a list of resources and presentations available to help you setup your own online business:

eCommerce Advice White Paper: When deciding to set up an eCommerce presence there are a myriad of things to take into consideration from what platform to use to payments and logistics. This web site provides information for existing and prospective merchants looking to set up an eCommerce website as well as how to run it successfully.

Shopify User Manual: Step by step instructions on setting up your Shopify store, with definitions, explanations and instructional videos.

Shopify Blog: A blog about eCommerce marketing, running an online business and updates to Shopify’s eCommerce community.

Shopify Point of Sale: Step by step instructions on setting up your Shopify POS

Shopify Apps: Apps allow you to add specific functionality to your Shopify store with ease.  For example, listing your products on your Facebook page or a price comparison engine, installing a product review functionality or even syncing with an accounting package.

Shopify Themes: There are a number of free and paid for themes you can choose from, all of the themes currently available from Shopify are responsive too, which means they adapt according to the device being used to view your site, for example a smart phone or tablet. You also have full access to edit all the templates enabling you to make any customisations you require.

uAfrica.com Multichannel: uAfrica.com’s Multichannel solution is cutting edge technology for your retail business to enable selling across multiple sales channels, online and offline, across multiple devices.  When an order is placed on any sales channel, inventory is adjusted and stock levels across all other sales channels are updated, ensuring you never sell anything you do not have in stock.

PayFast Presentation – Roslyn Lavery, Business Development Manager

bidorbuy Presentation – Matthew Avramit, Head of Category Management

Interexcel Presentation – Jarad Frimmel, Senior Online Accounts Manager

DPD Laser – Cindy le Roux, eCommerce Product Manager

ShopCreatify Presentation – Ross Allchorn, eCommerce Specialist

Follow uAfrica.com on Facebook or Twitter to find out when the next eCommerce meetup will be in your city!

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